Resource Use Efficiency in Oily Sunflower Production
Türkiye is one of the world's major sunflower producer countries. According to FAO data of 2021, Turkey had a share of 3.05% in sunflower production area in the world and 4.15% in sunflower production. The aim of this study was to determine the resource utilization efficiency of the factors used in sunflower production in Çanakkale province, which is located in the Marmara Region of Turkey. The data used in the research were obtained through a questionnaire from 75 agricultural enterprises determined by the "stratified sampling method". The coefficient of determination (R2) of the equation for sunflower production was 0.885, and the F value (182.78) was significant at the level of 1%. The sum of the elasticity coefficients of the variables in the estimation equation (∑βi) was calculated as 1.048 which indicates an increasing return to scale in sunflower production. The DW statistic for the equation was 1.878, and no autocorrelation was found between the variables. When the production elasticity coefficients of the independent variables in the equation were examined; it was determined that the elasticity coefficients of the seed amount and fertilizer amount were positive, and the agricultural pesticide amount was negative. The elasticity coefficient of the fertilizer factor was 5%, and the coefficient of the seed factor was significant at the 6% probability level. Considering the overall enterprise, according to the marginal efficiency coefficients; it was understood that seed and pesticide inputs (0.01) were used excessively in sunflower production, while fertilizer input (12.90) was used below the optimum level. The coefficients obtained within the research revealed that the amount of fertilizer should be increased and the amount of seeds should be decreased. According to the research results, the marginal efficiency coefficient of the factor components related to the use of fertilizer and seed was found as 0.832. This value showed that the fertilizer factor was used less than the seed factor and should be increased. Within the study; it was revealed that the resources were not used effectively in sunflower production, and this situation has a negative effect on the producer's income. In order to make sunflower production profitable, each input must produce at the point where the marginal product value is either equal or equal to its marginal cost.
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