Thyme Production
In this study, data obtained from 82 thyme-producing agricultural enterprises, determined by Simple Random Sampling Method in Denizli province, during the 2021 production period were used to analyze the effect of agricultural supports on thyme production. According to research result 90.24% of the enterprises benefited only from diesel-fertilizer supports included in the area-based supports, and it was found that producers were generally not satisfied with agricultural supports. In the study, it was determined that with the effect of the diesel-fertilizer support used by producers, there was an increase in the amount of fertilizer by 1.60-1.85%, in diesel by 1.75%, and in thyme price by 1.65% among the inputs that could be obtained for 1 kg of thyme. In addition, it was found that thyme production value increased by 1.67%, gross profit value increased by 2.83%, and net profit value increased by 6.37%, while product cost decreased by 2.27%. It was seen that agricultural supports had a positive effect on input purchases, production costs, and product revenues in terms of thyme production, but this effect was determined to be quite low. It will be beneficial for producers to apply for alternative supports in addition to diesel-fertilizer support, and for policy makers to make adjustments to the current support prices based on the price increases in inputs used. In addition, support unit prices being at level that can cover production expenses and providing product and yield-based supports as well as area-based supports will be more effective in increasing product income, production cost, and producer welfare.
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