Analysis of Agricultural Support Practices in Sugar Beet Production: The Case of Çanakkale Province - Türkiye
Agricultural Support, Sugar beet, Diesel Fuel Support, Fertilizer Support, Çanakkale, TürkiyeAbstract
Türkiye is one of the leading sugar beet producing countries in the World. According to FAO data of the year of 2022, world sugar beet production area is estimated as 4.295.160 ha and the total production amount has reached to 260.998.614 tons. Türkiye’s share in world sugar beet production areas is determined as 6,39% (274.524 ha) and its share in production amount is 7,28% (19.000.000 tons). Among the countries that produce sugar from sugar beet throughout the world, Türkiye ranks 5th after Russian Federation, USA, Germany and France whereas it is in the 4th place in Europe. Türkiye’s share among the world’s beet sugar producing countries is 8%. As for the same year’s data, world’s yield value for the sugar beet average is 60.766 kg/ha and Türkiye’s yield value (69.211 kg/ha) is 13,90% higher than this figure. In the enterprises, which are investigated in the scope of this study, sugar beet ranks 4th with a share of 6,81% among the vegetative production area. In order to produce 7,326 kg/ha sugar beet in one unit of area in the enterprises, 94,38 kg of chemical fertilizer, 560 cc of agricultural pesticide, 5,71 hours of machine pull power, 31,03 lt of diesel are needed. In the present study, sugar beet product sale price has been calculated as 0,34 TL/kg, production value as 2.491,06 TL/da, total cost as 1.443,87 TL/da, gross revenue as 1.432,68 TL/da, net income as 1.047,14 TL/da, relative profit as 1,72. In the study, fertilizer cost per unit area in the sugar beet production has been determined as 173,43 TL/da and fertilizer support consists of the 2,31% of the total fertilizer cost. Diesel cost for the sugar beet production in the enterprises that were investigated has been determined as 203,87 TL/da. However, the diesel support that were given to the enterprises could only provide the 7,36 % of the total diesel costs. The study reveals that the supports that have been given to the producers in the sugar beet production is insufficient. Thus, while determining the unit prices of the area based supports given in the sugar beet production, the share of the support items in the total production costs needs to be considered with special care. In the examined enterprises, within scope of decreasing the sugar production costs or increasing the producers’ revenue, the supports given to the producers need to be determined certainly in realistic levels and the support of seed usage should be included in the support factors.
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