The Importance Of Accident Cause Theories In Preventing Work Accidents
Work accident, Work safety, Accident Cause Theories, Human mistakeAbstract
The concept of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) has become much more important in working life with the increasing impact of today's technological developments and competition. All kinds of work related to preventing hazards, eliminating risks or minimizing the impact of possible damages in the work environment where people work within the framework of the right to life are included in the scope of OHS. In international legislation, measures regarding occupational health and safety, preventing work-related hazards and harmonizing work with employees are generally highlighted. In this context, research on the prevention of occupational accidents draws attention to the determination of the causes of accidents in businesses. Because scientific approaches developed to solve problems related to occupational accidents are only possible for defined situations, accident causation approaches are important in creating healthy and safe working environments.
In this study, first of all, the concept of occupational accidents, which are frequently encountered in business life, is mentioned in general, and then the theories developed by focusing on employees in order to explain the causes of accidents are emphasized. Within the scope of these theories; Domino, Accident/Incident, Human Factors, Epidemiology, System and Combination Theories were included and the importance of human-caused occupational accidents in working life was emphasized. With this study, it was aimed to draw attention to the creation of occupational safety awareness among employees by theoretically touching on the importance of accident cause theories and OHS principles in terms of preventing occupational accidents.
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