Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

  • EJONS Magazine is published as an international refereed, indexed e-journal 4 times a year. If necessary, special or additional issues can be published.
  • EJONS Magazine is a journal that publishes studies in the field of SCIENCE (Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Health and Engineering). It publishes only texts related to original scientific articles. In addition, congress and symposium papers can be published as an article, provided that the place of presentation, meeting and date are recorded and not published elsewhere. However, the responsibility of any problem likely to arise from this publication activity belongs to the author.
  • The articles sent to EJONS Journal should not have been published in any media before, and when added to the system, another publication should not be in the process of publishing.
  • Those who wish to send a study to EJONS Magazine should submit their articles as a member of the Article Tracking System at
  • Since the name used in membership will be added to the author section of the works that are worth publishing during the publishing phase, the authors must be members of the Article Tracking System with the names they use when conducting their academic activities.
  • Adding any article to the electronic system of EJONS Journal is accepted as an application for the publication of the article and the evaluation process of the article begins.
  • All processes from the application to the publishing stage of the article take place electronically.
  • The publishing and publishing rights of the articles sent to EJONS Magazine for publication are transferred to the journal. These articles can not be published, reproduced and used without showing the source without permission from the journal management. EJONS Magazine can publish the texts it publishes in various media such as indexing and social media in order to increase its prevalence.
  •  Any legal, economic and ethical responsibility that may arise from the articles sent to EJONS Magazine belongs to their authors even if the article in question has been published. The journal does not accept any liability.
  • The publication languages ??of 'EJONS Journel' are Turkish (All Dialects), English and Russian.