
  • Salih Yıldız Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Anabilim Dalı, Hitit Üniversitesi




Occupational health and safety; is to take the necessary measures to ensure that the employees have a complete physical and mental well-being. Occupational health and safety covers the measures taken to minimize the risk of occupational diseases and to minimize injuries and deaths in case of occupational accidents. As a result of these studies and the measures taken, it is aimed to minimize the damages to the state and companies due to accidents. Taking occupational health and safety measures and providing trainings in this context are also of great importance so that our national wealth is not wasted (Güngör, 2017).

Students enrolled in Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools or transferred from other high schools, on the first day of their education, are provided with insurance against occupational diseases and work accidents by the school administration within the scope of the Vocational Education Law No. 3308. In this context, students who are studying in vocational schools are subjected to 12 hours of basic occupational health and safety training in the week when education starts. While some of the students who have completed their education in Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools continue, the majority of them directly participate in working life and start their business life as employees or employers. In this context, the occupational health and safety education that students will receive in high school education is of great importance.

With this study, it was determined at what level the 9th grade students, who were given training in the field of occupational health and safety for the first time, were affected by these trainings. In addition, the continuation of these trainings in the following grade levels and the frequent mention of occupational health and safety issues in some courses, and the comparisons were made by determining what kind of changes occurred in the thoughts of the students when they came to the 12th grade. In this study, it was tried to determine how and how much the students were affected by the occupational health and safety climate in the school environment and the awareness levels of the students, as well as how effective the training they received was. At the end of this study, determinations were made and suggestions and recommendations were presented in line with these determinations.


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How to Cite

ASAN, G., & Yıldız, S. (2022). A COMPARATIVE EXAMINATION OF THE AWARENESS LEVELS OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY OF STUDENTS IN VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOLS. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 6(23), 664–676. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7501541