Determination of Factors Affecting Nurses' Compliance with Standard Precautions
Nurse, Standard Precautions , Infection, Compliance, PrecautionAbstract
Nurses’ compliance with standard precautions is important in reducing hospital infections. This study was conducted with a descriptive design to determine the factors affecting nurses' compliance with standard precautions. The sample of the study consists of 440 nurses. The study was conducted in the largest city hospital in Turkey. In the collection of data, a questionnaire form was used to collect the participants' socio-demographic characteristics, standard precaution knowledge, compliance with standard precautions and general self-efficacy scale. Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests were used in statistical evaluation. Female nurses had higher mean scores on standard precaution knowledge, compliance with standard precautions, and general self-efficacy scales than male nurses. A significant difference was found between the units where nurses worked and their mean scores on compliance with standard precautions, and between their educational status and standard precaution knowledge (p<0.05). In addition, nurses with 1-10 years of experience had higher mean scores on standard precaution knowledge, and nurses with 21 years or more had higher mean scores on compliance with standard precautions and general self-efficacy scales. In order to increase nurses' compliance with standard precautions, continuity of in-service training and elimination of negative factors affecting compliance may be recommended.
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