University Students Attitudes Towards Cosmetics and Personal Care Products: A Systematic Review
The aim of the study is to determine the attitudes of university students towards cosmetics and personal care products.
This study is a systematic review and was conducted by scanning Turkish and English indexes between January and March 2024. The words “university students, cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, personal care products and attitude” were used for the search in Turkish, and the words “university student, cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, personal care products, attitude” were used in English to complete the search. EBSCOHost, PubMed, ULAKBİLİM and Science Direct databases were searched. Free, full-text articles published in these databases between 2014 and 2024 were included in the study. 2033 studies were reached during the data collection phase; eight studies published between 2014 and 2024 that met the research criteria were evaluated and the data were presented in a table.
The attitudes of university students towards cosmetics and personal care products were defined in the studies included. According to the study results, it was determined that cosmetics and personal care products are widely used among students, and students' attitudes towards cosmetics and personal care products are affected by their level of knowledge about these products, place of residence and economic status, and the occurrence of side effects. Although individuals have a positive attitude when using cosmetics and personal care products widely, their attitudes are negatively affected when side effects develop, and studies conducted on this level have emphasized the lack of knowledge. The research results show that although the use of cosmetic products is increasing exponentially today, the lack of knowledge among university students about safe content creates negative attitudes in individuals towards the development of side effects.
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