A Computational Approach to Measuring Thermal Demand in Jordanian Greenhouses
Ürdün Seralarında Termal Talebi Ölçmeye Yönelik Hesaplamalı Bir Yaklaşım
Greenhouse, Jordan, heating, calculationAbstract
This research provides an in-depth analysis of the thermal equilibrium in a greenhouse, taking into account variables such as the greenhouse’s geographical position, the variety of crops grown, the type of covering material, heating techniques, and the overall size of the structure. A computerized tool has been crafted to aid farmers, agricultural engineers, and those interested in greenhouse management, offering a significant resource for optimizing greenhouse operations.
In Jordan, energy consumption in plastic greenhouses is of utmost importance for agriculture, especially in regions with harsh weather conditions. Effective management requires an understanding of climatic factors to improve heating systems, which are costly but vital for crop quality and quantity. This study developed a computer program to assess heating needs and revealed that Jordan requires 1.97 megawatts for agricultural greenhouses. The highest consumption was in the Al-Aghwar at 1.00 megawatt. Looking at areas like Shooneh Janobiyeh and Deir Alla, we find consumption levels of 0.59 and 0.35 megawatts, respectively. Optimal heating control led to energy consumption of 1.77, 0.971, 0.61, and 0.221 megawatts for eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, respectively, contributing to food security and reducing the need for imports. Despite the very successful results of this research, we recommend expanding it to cover the entire territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
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