Determination of the Potential of Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) as a Functional Product
Hawthorn, Crataegus, BenefitsAbstract
Anatolia is known to be home to many endemic plants growing naturally and rich in plant diversity, as well as many medicinal and wild species such as hawthorn. In addition to many cultivated and commercially cultivated fruits, wild fruit species, which are frequently used by local people, are collected from their natural habitats and used for many different purposes. One of the most important wild fruit species is hawthorn. The hawthorn, which belongs to the Crataegus genus Rosaceae family, includes about 1000 species worldwide and is widely grown in many countries in the Northern Hemisphere, including China, the USA, France, Great Britain and Mexico. Since hawthorn is still widely used in traditional medicine from ancient times to the present day, both in our country and around the world, plants of this genus have significant development potential. Hawthorn is rich in nutrients and beneficial bioactive compounds found in its various parts, including fruits, flowers and leaves, and also contains vitamins A, C, E, K and B group vitamins. Therefore, hawthorn is a promising raw material for traditional treatment. In this study, it was aimed to draw attention to the lack of attention to hawthorn cultivation despite its importance for human health and the possibility of its utilization in many different ways, and to create a theoretical basis for further studies by providing information about the applications of hawthorn in medicine and food sector.
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