Research and Basic Technological Expectations on Industrial Welding Robots
Welding sensor, welding robot, arc welding, seam tracking technology, development trendAbstract
The use of robots is quite common in industrial welding applications. However, in modern technology, robotic welding applications are still under development. In recent years, studies on the development of robotic welding technology; significant developments have been achieved in areas such as weld seam tracking system, machine user interface database, offline programming method, trajectory tracking and creation, and intelligent control systems. On the other hand, the need for training of welding operators in the use and programming of welding robots and the use of inadequate machine interfaces in the implementation of complex welding processes pose a problem. It is thought that with the development of intelligent control technology and artificial intelligence systems of machine interfaces, path planning technologies (such as neural network algorithm, ant colony), especially in intelligent welding robots, will direct future research in solving welding-related problems. In addition, factors such as seam quality, penetration, pore structure, depth and cross-section of the part to be welded are also included in the interface software of the robot using image processing methods in the applications of welding robots. Taking all these data into consideration, in this article, the problems in welding applications are stated, and analyzes regarding the current status and requirements of robotic welding technology have been made for reference purposes in order to be useful for future R&D studies on welding applications and manufacturing companies
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