
  • yıldırım özüpak dicle university
  • Emrah ASLAN



Electric vehicles (EV), which are described as new generation vehicles, have started to become attractive both for the environment and for human health in terms of reliability. However, the battery charging system of these vehicles poses a serious challenge for these vehicles to become widespread. Charging EVs with wireless power transfer (WPT) for the charging system creates a user-friendly and safe system. Thanks to the WPT system, it is tried to overcome the concerns about charging the batteries of electric vehicles and driving range. In this study, the research of resonant inductive power transmission methods for electric vehicles is emphasized. Circuit topology used in wireless power transmission systems (WPT) for EV charging applications is discussed. In addition, suitable coil and ferrite core structures for WPT transformers were investigated. Health and safety issues, primarily for electricity, connection areas and fire hazards, are also explored by considering relevant standards for WPT.


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How to Cite

özüpak, yıldırım, & ASLAN, E. (2023). YENİ NESİL ELEKTRİKLİ ARAÇLAR İÇİN ENDÜKTİF GÜÇ TRANSFERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 7(2), 220–232.