
  • Murat CANPOLAT Öğretmen, Meb, Malatya
  • Emine YURTERİ Öğretmen, Meb, Malatya
  • Fatma POLAT Öğretmen, Mem, Malatya
  • Cahit POLAT Öğretmen, Mem, Malatya
  • Gökhan ILGAR Öğretmen, Meb, Malatya
  • Selim GÜLLÜ Öğretmen, Meb, Malatya
  • Emel KAYA Öğretmen, Meb, Malatya
  • Asiye ILGAR Öğretmen, Meb, Malatya




Vehicle, Alcohol, Arduino, Coding, MQ-3 Sensor


Driving requires caution. Taking drugs, stimulants or alcohol can make the mind and will dysfunctional and distract the person from their normal life and behaviors. According to the research conducted by the World Health Organization in thirty countries, including Turkey, it has been determined that alcohol is the most effective factor or cause in the formation of sixty percent of traffic accidents. This newly designed system aims to prevent dring-driving. Through this system, drunk driving will be prevented, life and property loss will be reduced and it offers some solutions to eliminate the accidents caused by alcohol use. To let the system that we designed and 3D printed and assembled in the box to run smoothly, the code was written with arduino and loaded onto the arduino uno card. When the vehicle starts working, the MQ-3 alcohol sensor in designed system measures the alcohol density inside the vehicle. In case, the density exceeds the designated limit, it gives an illuminated and audible warning and transmits a warning message to a predetermined phone number which is realized by coding. In this way, the drunk vehicle will be stopped in the nearest place. Thus the number of drunk driving and so the traffic accidents that cause life and property loss will decrease. In the field survey, it has been seen that despite all kinds of legal regulations and penalties, the use of alcohol and life and property loss continue. We have not found any scientific publications related to our study. In addition, in the patent and utility model scans made using international patent connections with the Turkish Patent Institute, no approved application related to this subject was found. In this respect, our study is considered to be a first in the literature.



How to Cite

CANPOLAT, M., YURTERİ, E. ., POLAT, F., POLAT, C., ILGAR, G., GÜLLÜ, S., KAYA, E., & ILGAR, A. (2021). A STUDY ON THE PREVENTION OF DRINK-DRIVING. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 5(20), 911–918. https://doi.org/10.38063/ejons.540