
  • Mehmet Hafif KILINÇ Siirt Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü
  • Muhemet Zeki KARİPÇİN Dr. Öğrt. Üyesi, Siirt Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü


Rooting Media, Watermelon, Root Architecture, Drought


Tolerance to drought The purpose of this study, which was carried out to investigate the effects of different root medias on the root structures of some watermelon genotypes determined by TÜBİTAK (107T613) project, was to use the Kar 24, Kar 98, Kar 39 (Crimson Sweet) watermelon genotypes. Sand, soil and peat materials were used as root conditions. All plants were grown in plastic tubes on the same date and 3 replications. In addition to root structures; Output times, plant fresh weight, plant dry weight, root fresh weight, root dry weight, plant dry matter rate, root dry matter rate measurements were performed. In addition, the green length of the plant and the green part of the plant (Crown width) with root width and root length was determined by scanning through the Image J program. Full yield was not obtained in the soil media plants. Sand media, which is one of the root medias used in the study, provides the earliest output, It is found that the plants of Kar 98 in the sand media are superior to the other media and plants in terms of the rate of the plant dry matter. In terms of root dry matter ratio, the data of Kar 24 (drought tolerant) genotpe in peat media were found to be higher, Kar 98 (drought-sensitive) genotype’s plant height values obtained from plants in the peat media is superior to the values of other genotypes, and the crown width values of the Kar 39 (Crimson Sweet-tolerant / intolerant) plants were found to be higher than the crown width values. In terms of root length values showing the depth of the roots, it was found that the Kar 24 genotype of the peat media had the highest root length values. Because each genotype used has tolerability to different genetic structures and drought, the obtained data is more important. It has been determined that the sand media needs nutritional supplementation due to its poor nutrient content, and it is the most suitable medium to create the best root structures by providing early release of the plants in the sand media with nutritional supplement.



How to Cite

KILINÇ, M. H., & KARİPÇİN, M. Z. (2019). THE EFFECTS of ROOT MEDIA on THE ROOT ARCHITECTURE. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 3(10), 52–60. Retrieved from