
  • Abdülazim YILDIZ Öğr. Gör. Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi
  • İrem ERSÖZ Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Tarsus Üniversitesi
  • Ercan KÖSE Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Tarsus Üniversitesi


Screened equipments, occupational health and safety, office environment


One of the most important points to be considered in terms of occupational health and safety is the operation using screened equipments. With the rapid development of science and technology, computers are being used extensively in many business areas. Works and operations using screen devices increase speedy in our country and all over the world and spend hours in front of screened devices. Serious health problems can occur especially in people working with computers. Precations should be taken and implemented before these problems arise. Computer users may experience a number of health problems, such as muscle strain on the neck, inflammation of the neck, wrist, tendons in the shoulder and elbow, nerve tightness in the wrist, sitting in a bad position, and skeleton system disorders caused by working in the same position for a long time. Another organ that is most affected by long-term working conditions is eye. Symptoms such as fatigue, pain, burning, stinging, blurred vision, redness, itching, squinting can occur in the eyes. For eye protection; trainings should be given and eye examinations should be performed before starting work. In the office environment, the issues such as the distance between the people working in the computer and the screen, the brightness of the screen, the contrast, the easy selection of the characters on the screen, the screen being able to turn in all directions, and the stability of the screen image are of great importance for the employees. Regulations on Health and Safety Measures in Working with Screened devices dated 16-04-2013 in Turkey are applied in all screened equipments except for exceptions.In this study, the works or operations on screened equipments, the diseases that the employees may be exposed and the ways to protect the occupational health and safety analysis will be examined.



How to Cite

YILDIZ , A. ., ERSÖZ, İrem, & KÖSE, E. (2019). ANALYSIS OF WORKS WITH SCREENED EQUIPMENTS BASED ON OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 3(10), 25–33. Retrieved from