Comparison of Microtuber Yield of Some Potato Clones
Microtubers, Potato clones, BAP, CCCAbstract
The aim of this study was to compare the microtuber performance of 8 clones derived from Bettina, Nif parents in a cross combination breeding study in potato under in vitro laboratory conditions. Two different media were used for 8 different clones obtained from cross combination. MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) medium was used as the basic medium in the study. Micro tuber yield traits obtained from eight potato clones and two parents showed different performances in two different nutrient media.
MS+2 mg/l BAP+500 mg CCC+60 g sugar medium was higher in terms of tuber yield, tuber width and tuber length than the medium 3 mg/l BAP+600 mg CCC per liter in vitro conditions. When the measured traits were evaluated, clone 10-164 was superior to the other clones in terms of number of micro-tuber (4.33 pieces), single tuber weight (139.72 mg), tuber yield (594.00 mg), tuber width (0.50 mm) and tuber length (0.83 mm). Clone 10-375, Clone 10-469 and Clone 10-429 were followed in terms of number of micro tuber number, single tuber weight, micro tuber yield, micro tuber width and micro tuber length.
Micro tubers obtained under in vitro conditions will be used for the production of basic seed stocks in the potato breeding program and will also be used as a seed source directly by multiplication in greenhouse / seedbed conditions in the breeding program.
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