CuO Additive Pigment Production and Industrial Application
Pigment, Olivine, Copper oxideAbstract
In this study, copper oxide was added to the main raw material olivine mineral as a metal oxide activator to investigate the colour effect in inorganic based pigment production. Copper oxide activator was added into the prepared pigment recipes in the range of 0-9%. In addition, three different boron-based mineralisers (Boric acid, Calcined Borax and Calcium Borate) were selected and used in the pigment preparation process.
All prepared recipes were kept at three different calcination temperatures (1150 oC, 1200 oC and 1250 oC) for one hour and pigment production processes were completed. Copper oxide metal-added pigments produced by the traditional pigment production method were prepared on industrial wall tile bodies and industrial wall tile glaze application and the effectiveness of the pigments was completed under industrial rapid firing conditions.
Metal oxide activation, mineraliser activation and pigment firing temperature activation in wall tile glazes coloured with copper oxide added pigments were characterised.
Visual parameters such as colour change and surface smoothness were investigated in terms of both surface and characterisation by comparing the effect of 0% and 9% copper oxide addition between the pigment added wall tile glaze recipes. It is seen that colour efficiency increases with temperature in all recipes. The best calcination temperatures were found to be 1200 °C and 1250 °C. As mineralisers, calcium borate and calcined borax mineralisers were evaluated to have better effects than boric acid mineralisers. However, due to the impurities in olivine natural raw material, the intensity of brown colour could not be obtained as much as commercial brown pigments.
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