Rock Sliding Risk of Şırnak Asphaltite Coal Quarry - Study on Cemented Cracks of Shale, Marly Claystone for Upper Slope's Stability by Sawing Disc Tests






There is a relationship among the type of crack formations and shear properties of different rocks depending on the dynamic loads in the shale formations of the Şırnak Asphaltite Coal Quarries No 1,2 and 3 and other critical asphaltite coal pits. The crack density and formation on the Stereonet records of Şırnak asphaltite quarries and sawing test results of the face stones are becoming so critical for safety of slope stability. The possibility of safety factors of rock sliding and critical rock falling in the quarry No. 1 was investigated locally by comparing the crack factors caused by crack propagations over determining the impact loads on the site blocks shale, marly shale slope faces in advance. The safety factor calculations showed possible rock fallings with the aim of determining the impacts or pressure loads before excavation without overloading the composed highly cracked shale and shattered shale and marly shale stone formations on the upper slopes.


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How to Cite

TOSUN, Y. İsmail. (2024). Rock Sliding Risk of Şırnak Asphaltite Coal Quarry - Study on Cemented Cracks of Shale, Marly Claystone for Upper Slope’s Stability by Sawing Disc Tests. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 8(2), 260–269.


