Cities have undergone transformations throughout history, and are the focus of various fields from sociology to architecture. The Industrial Revolution introduced a new dimension to the urban landscape, fundamentally altering the social structure of cities. The growth of cities has been driven by increased transportation facilities and urbanisation policies, leading to a significant migration from rural to urban areas. Consequently, new neighbourhoods have emerged on the outskirts, and the number of suburbs has increased. These global developments have resulted in notable impacts on the economic, sociological, and physical structures of practically all cities. The study aims to highlight the impact of the growing demands of cities and urban populations on the health of both individuals and society in established settlements where current challenges cannot be resolved. The research methodology centres around analysing data derived from previous studies. The growth of city populations has prompted urban centres to undergo demolition and construction in order to satisfy the demand for housing. Unfortunately, this has resulted in the loss of historical and cultural structures, a surge in development, a reduction of green spaces and poor infrastructure services. Such transformations have contributed to a prevalent sense of melancholy in cities worldwide. A primary gauge of urban well-being lies in the city's inhabitants. The social and physical environment, along with individuals' lifestyles, serve as the chief influencers of health. In 1948, the World Health Organisation established health as "the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being". Health is regarded as a resource that enables individuals to lead lives that are productive in terms of their physical, social, and economic well-being. From this viewpoint, cities possess a unique potential to enhance and secure health standards.
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