Anksiyete (Kaygı) Bozukluğunda Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapi: Bir Olgu Sunumu
cognitive behavioral therapy, anxiety disorder, social phobia, panic disorderAbstract
In this case report, the treatment process that we administered to a 16-year-old client with generalized anxiety disorder according to DSM-V diagnostic criteria and accompanying diagnoses with social phobia and panic disorder symptoms with cognitive behavioral therapy method is discussed. The client describes himself as a person who is constantly restless, anxious and always trying to be perfect since primary school. The counselee stated that he went to the psychiatry service with the guidance of his counselor during his high school years and was diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Our client, who stated that she did not want to use medication, therefore refused the treatment. He lived with the thought that it would pass, but during the last lecture, he experienced symptoms such as sudden sweating, trembling, dizziness, fainting, and darkening of his eyes. Thereupon, the client reported that he applied to our center to receive treatment. First of all, a list of problems was prepared with the client, and the treatment process was progressed depending on the problem list. First, the psychoeducation process was completed by giving detailed information about the panic disorder, and then the intellectual and behavioral stages were started. As a result of the psychoeducation and techniques we have carried out on panic disorder, significant progress has been made in the client. Afterwards, generalized anxiety disorder and social phobia were handled by adhering to the cognitive behavioral therapy school, and as a result of the sessions we conducted, the client's awareness of his illness increased intellectually and behaviorally, and showed significant signs of improvement. It has been observed that the effect on the pathologies of our client, which we conducted with cognitive behavioral therapy, is both behavioral and intellectual.
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