Role of MR Spectroscopy in the diagnosis of brain masses and comparison of Long and Short TE MR Spectroscopy




Intracranial mass lesion, MR Spectroscopy, Short TE, Long TE


Introduction: We aimed to evaluate the value of long and short TE MR spectroscopy in the diagnosis of intracranial mass lesions. Methods: Fifty patients with intracranial mass lesions were evaluated with long and short TE MR spectroscopy, and findings were compared with postsurgical pathological results. Results: All glial tumors showed decrease in NAA and prominent increase in Cho levels. High grade glial tumors revealed high Cho/Cr and Cho/NAA in both long and short TE, and low NAA/Cr in long TE acquisitions. Among 8 high grade gliomas, 7 had lipid peaks at 0,9ppm, 1 had lipid peak at 1,3 ppm, 4 had lipid-lactate peaks at 1,3ppm, 3 had high ml/GL, and 3 had high Glx. Two patients with high grade gliomas showed lipid peaks and 4 showed lactate peaks at long TE spectrums. Among 15 patients with metastases, NAA and Cr peaks were not detected in 9 short TE and 7 long TE spectrums. All meningiomas showed Cho İncrease, while 9 of 10 meningioma lesions showed no prominent NAA peak. Among 5 medulloblastomas, 4 showed decrease in NAA and Cr, and increase in Cho at short and long TE spectrums. Conclusion: It should be considered that long and short TE MR Spectroscopy reveal complementary knowledge to each other in determination of intracranial mass lesions, and both should be acquired if possible.

Author Biography


Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Gaziantep



How to Cite

İKİDAĞ, M. A., & CÜCE, M. A. (2022). Role of MR Spectroscopy in the diagnosis of brain masses and comparison of Long and Short TE MR Spectroscopy. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 6(22), 339–352.