
  • Ömer KILIÇ Bingöl Üniversitesi
  • Azize DEMİRPOLAT Bingöl Üniversitesi
  • Eyüp BAĞCI Fırat Üniversitesi
  • Şinasi YILDIRIMLI Hacettepe Üniversitesi


Bingöl, Genç, Endemic, Plant


Endemic species are the species whose ranges is special to certain country or area, that is spreading in its most ideal area, and which maintains its generation and keep living, and protecting them by determining them in their natural ranges is important in terms of preventing them from becoming extinct in their habitats. The features such as their ranges are in small geographical area, their populations are small, becoming less and less and in danger, showing low genetic variability, and their ecological needs are critical are the main features that most of the endemic species have. Therefore, since the habitats and ranges of the endemic species are confined and they are more sensitive, protecting them with in-situ and ex-situ protection methods before they come to the level of being extinct should be handled firstly and the studies in this scope should be monitored carefully and managed. In order to determine and offer the endemic species around the Bingöl-Genç district, in the study, which is conducted in the year 2018 vegetation period, endemic plant taxa (Galium bingoelense, Centaurea fenzlii, Aethionema grandiflorum var. sintenisii, Paracaryum racemosum var. racemosum, Phlomis linearis, Dorycinium pentaphyllum subsp. haussknechtii, Trigonella kotschyi, Asperula stricta subsp. latibracteata, Anthemis wiedemanniana, Astragalus oocephalus subsp. stachyophorus, Scutellaria orientalis subsp. orientalis, Nepeta nuda subsp. lydiae, Sideritis vulcanica, Sisymbrium altissimum, Origanum acutidens, Micromeria cilicica, Nepeta baytopii, Saponaria prostrata subsp. anatolica, Inula helenium subsp. orgyalis, Morina persica var. decussatifolia, Phlomis sieheana, Anthemis armeniaca, Saponaria. prostrata subsp. anatolica) are photographed, emphasized by determining them and various protection methods for these valuable, critical and rare species are proposed.



How to Cite

KILIÇ, Ömer, DEMİRPOLAT, A., BAĞCI, E. ., & YILDIRIMLI, Şinasi. (2019). SOME ENDEMIC PLANTS AROUND THE GENÇ (BINGÖL) DISTRICT. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 3(7), 65–71. Retrieved from