First Orbital Period Analysis of QY Cam Eclipsing Binary Star




Eclipsing Binary Stars, QY Cam, Photometric, O-C Analysis, TESS


In this study, orbital period analysis of QY Cam eclipsing binary star systems is presented for the first time. Period analysis is performed using the O-C method. Minimum times obtained from Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) satellite observations and all minimum times given in the literature are used in the O-C analysis. As a result of the parabolic fit to the O-C diagram of the system, which is made using the least squares method, the quadratic term is found to be -1.16(7)x10^(-9) days. This value of the quadratic term indicates that the orbital period of the system decreases regularly with a rate of 0.029(5) s/year. The physical mechanisms that may cause this decrease in the orbital period are discussed.


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How to Cite

ÖZTÜRK, O. (2025). First Orbital Period Analysis of QY Cam Eclipsing Binary Star. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 9(1), 20–25.


