
  • İskender ASKEROĞLU Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi
  • Alper ASLAN Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi


Thermomagnetic effect


In the investigation of the thermomagnetic effect in semiconductors, firstly parameters which will help to identify semiconductors will be taken into account by considering the effects of thermomagnetic field on semiconductors. In addition, the effects of thermomagnetic effects on the electron structures of semiconductors will be investigated and their effects on physical structures of semiconductors will be investigated. As it is known, semiconductors are not stable by their electron structures. Because they are not stable, it is easier to be influenced by external influences. For this reason, examining the effects of temperature and magnetic field on the semiconductor will be determinant in obtaining more stable and more efficient semiconductors. If a semiconductor is exposed to the temperature and magnetic field, the magnetic field increases the temperature, the magnetic field is kept constant, the electrical conductivity increases when the temperature is increased and the magnetic field is held constant and the speed is increased and the electrical conductivity increases. In order to find out how a semiconductor will be affected by external effects, it is necessary to know the kinetic equations which are the basic parameters of the thermomagnetic effect in semiconductors, and to solve the Fermi integrals necessary for numerical solutions of the equations in order to know the kinetic equations. In the study, firstly the values of kinetic equations will be obtained by using the Fermi Integrals of the semiconductors which are in an environment with no external effects and then the kinetic equations of the semiconductor which is fused to the thermomagnetic field will be analyzed and the fundamental effects of the differences between the first values and the semiconductor on the semiconductor will be examined. The same processes can be repeated for both pure and additive semiconductors with different properties, and the ideal semiconductor to be used under the thermomagnetic field will be obtained theoretically. Whether the active use of this semiconductor material, which is planned to be theoretically, will be used or not, if it is active use will be examined.



How to Cite

ASKEROĞLU, İskender, & ASLAN, A. (2019). INVESTIGATION OF THERMOMANYETIC EFFECT IN SEMICONDUCTORS. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 3(7), 59–64. Retrieved from