Effects of Edible Coating Applications on Postharvest Physiology of Yenipazar Pepper Variety


  • Fırat İŞLEK ş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi, Bitkisel Üretim ve Teknolojileri Bölümü, 49300, Muş https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3157-3680
  • Şeyda çÇAVUŞOĞLU Van YYÜ




Biber, Depolama, Yenilebilir kaplama


Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) have a rich nutritional value, rich flavour and many uses, making them one of the most produced and consumed vegetables in the world. However, the post-harvest life of peppers is short. In this study, the effects of sodium alginate coating application on post-harvest storage time and quality of Yenipazar pepper variety were investigated. Peppers were stored at +10o C and 90-95% relative humidity for 24 days. During storage, weight loss, respiration rate, pH, titratable acidity (TEA), water soluble dry matter content (TSS), total phenol and antioxidant capacity were measured and analysed. As a result of the findings obtained, it was determined that sodium alginate coating had a positive effect on pepper preservation.


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How to Cite

İŞLEK, F. ., & çÇAVUŞOĞLU, Şeyda. (2024). Effects of Edible Coating Applications on Postharvest Physiology of Yenipazar Pepper Variety. EJONS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 8(3), 366–373. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13898810


