Drug Labeling Studies In The International Literature: A Biometric Analysis
Drug Labeling, Bibliometric Analysis, HealthcareAbstract
This study aims to examine the literature on drug labeling scanned in the Scopus database from a bibliometric perspective. A total of 2540 articles were considered for analysis and the data were evaluated with VOSviewer 1.6.19 software. When the findings are examined, the first study on drug labeling was conducted in 1955 (1). The highest number of articles was published in 2021 (191 articles). The majority of the articles were written in English (2464). 79.6% of the studies (2022) were classified as research articles. 46.7% of the articles (1915) were published in the field of medicine. Wolf MS is the most productive author with 20 articles and the most cited author with 323 citations. The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology has received a total of 2188 citations with 55 articles. The United States is the most productive country with 1226 articles and has the highest number of links with 612. The term "drug labeling" is the most frequently used keyword (72). Studies on drug labeling in Turkey are quite limited. This study will provide researchers with a broad perspective on the subject and will provide a comprehensive panoramic assessment.
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