The Impact on Intensive Care Nurses’ Quality of Life of Role Conflict and Stress Coping
Intensive care nurse, role ambiguity, role conflict, stress, quality of life, role overloadAbstract
The intensive care unit (ICU) is one of the work environments in which role conflict, role ambiguity and resulting stress are experienced most intensely. The aim of the study is to determine the impact of role conflict and stress management on the quality of life of ICU nurses. The present study was carried out online via Google Forms with ICU nurses between 1 April and 1 July 2021. Between these dates, the present study was completed with 101 ICU nurses who completed all the questions on the forms and volunteered to take part in the present study. Data were collected using the Individual Information Form, the Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict Scale and Role Overload Scale (RCA), the Ways of Coping Inventory (WCI) and the SF-12 Quality of Life Scale. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 23 v. Pearson correlation analysis and descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of the data. In the present study carried out with ICU nurses, it was found that 42.6% of the participants were aged between 25 and 29 years. It was found that 83.2% of the nurses were female, 62.4% were single and 73.2% were students. It was found that the participants had an average role ambiguity subscale score of 20.45±2.99, while they had an average role conflict subscale score of 27.27±4.03, an average role overload subscale score of 6.49±1.21 and an average optimistic approach subscale score of 21.48±2.74. It is crucial to assess role conflict, role ambiguity, workload, stress and quality of life of ICU nurses.
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