Evaluation of Patients’ Quality Life of Diagnosed with Panic Disorder
Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Quality of LifeAbstract
This research was conducted to evaluate the quality of life of patients diagnosed with panic disorder who applied to a public hospital. The data of the descriptive and cross-sectional study were collected between 30 December 2012 and 30 April 2013. SF-36 Quality of Life scale and socio-demographic information form were used to collect data. Kruskal Walls “t” test and Mann Whitney U test were used to evaluate the data, the results were accepted as 95% confidence interval, and significance was accepted as (p <0.05). 53.8% of the patients were male, 44.5% were high school graduates, 55.5% were married, 77.3% had been treated for panic disorder for 1-5 years, 79% had experienced a negative life event before the first attack, 69.2% had experienced a negative life event before the first attack. It was determined that 100,000 of them attempted suicide 1-2 times and 51.3% of them experienced the loss of a mother or father. Patients' Quality of Life scale subscale score averages; physical function 23.674±4.64; physical role difficulty 5.37±1.57; Pain 5.29±2.12; general health 10.58±3.61; energy 10.15±2.45; social function 6.29±1.63; emotional role difficulty 3.66±1.08; mental health was determined as 14.11±3.39. As a result of the study, it was determined that factors such as negative life experiences, loss of a parent, having an additional physical or mental illness, and suicide attempt negatively affected the quality of life.
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