Determination of Adaptation Capabilities of Some Dahlia Varieties In Tokat /Turkey Ecology


  • Şüheda Basire AKÇA YILMAZ Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Çaycuma Food and Agriculture Vocational School, Chemistry and Chemistry Processing Technologies, Çaycuma/Zonguldak



Dahlia, Yield, Quality, Outdoor ornamental plants


Dahlia ‘also known as dalya’ blooms from summer to autumn season, its stem is in the shape of a bush, its roots are tuber shaped. It was naturally grown between the Mexican borders and the neighboring countries of Central America. Dahlia is among the most planted and best-known plants of the gardens all over the world.

This study was carried out to determine the morphological and phenological features of some Dahlia spp. varieties such as yield, flower diameter, pedicle length, stem diameter, stem number, bud diameters, plant length. In the research, 6 different dahlias (Philadelphia, Rebecca’s World’s, American dawn, Marble Ball, Mr.optimist, Hulin’s carnival) types were used. In the study conducted in the ecological conditions of Tokat, Hulin’s carnival was the most suitable variety in terms of pedicle length, stem diameters, flower bud diameter, while American dawn was the most suitable variety in terms of plant height and flower diameter.


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How to Cite

AKÇA YILMAZ, Şüheda B. (2024). Determination of Adaptation Capabilities of Some Dahlia Varieties In Tokat /Turkey Ecology: . Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 8(1), 57–65.


