Perception of Rural Tourism and Determination of Local People's Perspective on Agro (agriculture) Tourism: The Case of Alaşehir District of Manisa Province




Agro tourism, Tourism perception,, Alaşehir


The concept of agriculture and tourism is one of our most important economic resources that complement each other for our country. Agrotourism, shown as one of the tools of rural development, is to take place today as a sustainable tourism activity by protecting agricultural areas. In this context, it is thought that Alaşehir District, which is one of the vineyard centers of the world, is not only a grape city in terms of agricultural production, it can become one of the important agrotourism centers of the region with the natural and cultural tourism potentials found around it. With this study, a survey study was conducted with 400 people to determine the perspectives of residents and producers (farmers) towards agro-tourism. In the survey study, the rural tourism potentials of Alaşehir district were evaluated, the perspective of the people of the region on agricultural tourism was taken into account, and suggestions were developed for the people of the region and local managers to identify problem points and create solutions. The necessary data for the research were collected through face-to-face interviews with the participants and a questionnaire survey.  According to the findings; 311 producers support agro-tourism with the idea that different business lines will develop. The reasons for 88 producers do not support agro-tourism are the environmental problems caused by geothermal facilities on agricultural lands and the change in urban culture.


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İnternet kaynakları

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How to Cite

ANKAYA, F., & PİRLİ, A. . (2024). Perception of Rural Tourism and Determination of Local People’s Perspective on Agro (agriculture) Tourism: The Case of Alaşehir District of Manisa Province. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 8(1), 1–11.


