
  • Matanat Aliyeva Azerbaycan Devlet iktisat Universitesi



cotton, cotton picking machine, robot grıpper, sensor.


As the 4th Industrial revolution opens the way for the construction of smart factories, it also creates an opportunity to implement robotization projects in the field of mechanization of the agricultural system. As in agriculture, as in various fields, cultivation of the field, harvesting, sorting, shaping, lifting and transporting, etc.  It is known that robotic systems are used in machines and technical units used in such works.

Looking at all these innovations, it can be seen that the history of the creation and development of cotton picking machines has developed very little after the inventions of 1895, 1943, and 1952. Despite this, it can be seen that there are small innovations in production, especially in the "Dashkent Agricultural Machinery Plant" of the Republic of Uzbekistan. There are innovations in John Deere Cotton Picking Machines, Cansa self-propelled picking machine, CASE IN cotton picking machines.

In this article thereis a new idea to collect cotton by combines with robot sistem. The goal is to develop robotic grippers to be applied to cotton picking machines.

The aim of this research is Industry 4.0. The aim is to create an integration system that brings together harvesting and manufacturing - "Harvest and Cotton Manufacturing Factory" Enterprise with its components and to put forward a new picking machine model by mounting the manipulator and gripper on the cotton picking machines by taking advantage of the "integration of new and old systems" feature.

In the study, all the characteristics of the cotton bush for the development of the robot gripper; General information about stem, flower, leaf, cone, fruit, color, hardness or softness, 3D size, distance and positions were taken into account.

According to the considered characteristics, the types of sensor devices used in the preparation of robot grippers, their number, the material of the gripper hand, the material of the end part (fingers), servo motor, other devices and equipment were determined.

The mechanical structure, 3D design and application rules of the mechanical hand (gripper) are given in the article. The number and size of the gripper or fingers (end effector gripper) located on the robot gripper were calculated. The gripper control-programming   system has been designed. The first gripper similarity model is designed for an independent robot that can work in a field with a row spacing of 1.

The first gripper utility model is a design for a stand-alone robot capable of operating in the field with 1 number of rows used. As a result, after the harvesting experiment with the catcher in the cotton bushes, the application of the cotton harvester with the number of row spacings of 6 is applied. As a result, after carrying out the harvesting experiment with the catcher on the cotton bushes, it is planned to apply the cotton harvesting combine with the number of row spacings of 6-8-12.


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How to Cite

Aliyeva, M. (2023). PAMUK TOPLAMA MAKİNELERİNE ROBOT TUTUCULARIN (MEKANİK EL) UYGULANMASI. Ejons International Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, 7(4), 580–596.