Publications from Türkiye in Journals in the SCI-E Index in the Field of Virology: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1975 to 2023
Publications from Türkiye in Journals in the SCI-E Index in the Field of Virology
Virology; SCI-E; Turkey; bibliometricAbstract
Introduction: In our study, it was aimed to evaluate the publications from Turkey in the journals indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) in the field of “Virology”.
Material and Method: The ISSN numbers of the journals were obtained by selecting the "Virology" field in the SCI-E journals list in the "Web of Science (WOS)" database. All publications of the related journals so far were determined by typing “IS=ISSN number” in the “advanced mode” of the WOS database. Then, by typing the search words “IS=ISSN number AND CU=TURKEY”, articles from Turkey published in the field of virology in journals with the same ISSN number were determined. By using the catalog information of the journals, the total number of publications, the publications from Turkey, the impact factor, the percentage of the publications from Turkey and the annual average of publications from Turkey were determined.
Results: The first three journals that accepted the highest number of studies from our country on an annual average basis in the field of virology were determined as "Journal of Medical Virology", "Future Virology" and "Journal of Clinical Virology". On the basis of publication acceptance percentage, the top three journals were determined as "Journal of Medical Virology", "Current HIV Research", and "Future Virology". As of the date of the analysis, no articles from our country have been published in the journals named “Cell Host & Microbe”, “Plos Pathogens”, “Retrovirology”, “Virologie”, “Annual Review of Virology” and “Virus Evolution”. In 18 (50%) of the 36 journals included in the SCI-E index, the number of publications published from our country was determined to be less than 5. A negative correlation was determined between the five-year impact factor of the journals and the percentage of publications originating from Turkey.
Conclusion: This type of bibliometric articles has the potential to be a guide for our colleagues, who are publishing, on the selection of journals. It is also recommended that such studies should be updated and rewritten at certain time intervals in order to provide healthy data.
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