Investigation of Secondary School Students' Skills in Posing Pisa Type Problems
Keywords: Non-routine Problems, Mathematical Literacy, PISA, TIMSS, Academic Achievement, Question Writing Process Characteristics.Abstract
In addition to researches to determine success, international studies that determine the level across countries are also important. In our country, similar questions are required with the questions evaluated in the field of PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) mathematical literacy scale. It is important for students to be prepared for PISA questions by increasing their mathematical literacy. This research was carried out to examine the skills of middle school students to pose problems in the PISA type. Within the scope of this general purpose, how the problems are in terms of context, content, process skill and originality has been examined. The study group consists of 43 sixth grade students in Dörtyol district of Hatay province in the 2018-2019 academic year. The research, Cresswell, 2007; Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2011) working group was determined. One of the most successful schools in the region and one of the best classrooms was chosen as the benchmark. In the research, they were asked to pose three problems in accordance with the nature of PISA as a data collection tool, and their problems were evaluated within the framework of data analysis. As a result of the research, students are expected to be aware of real life problems and to be able to create such problems. In addition, the students participating in the research are expected to make meaningful learning with their active participation by establishing a connection between daily life and mathematics lesson. Thus, they are expected to be aware that the mathematics course is not only a course but also necessary throughout their lives.
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