Russia's military attack on Ukraine and the related sanctions against Russia and Belarus have had a significant impact on businesses. Particularly considering that many financial statements as of December 31, 2021, had not yet been finally audited or prepared for presentation, the question of how this reflects on the accounting and auditing of businesses has emerged. This study examines the expected impacts and changes in financial statements due to the economic and geopolitical effects of the war under International Accounting Standards (IAS), based on examples. As a result, in accordance with the standards, due to the crisis period, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is expected to significantly affect the financial statements. This also includes the determination of fair value, the sustainability of the business, rising inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates, as well as potential disruptions in the supply chain.
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IAS 1 Finansal Tabloların Sunuluşu
IAS 10 Raporlama Tarihinden Sonraki Olaylar
IAS 12 Gelir Vergileri
IAS 16 Maddi Duran Varlıklar
IAS 2 Stoklar
IAS 21 Kur Değişiminin Etkileri
IAS 36 Varlıklarda Değer Düşüklüğü
IAS 37 Karşılıklar, Koşullu Borçlar ve Koşullu Varlıklar
IAS 8 Muhasebe Politikalarında Muhasebe Tahminlerinde Değişiklikler ve Hatalar
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IFRS 12 Diğer İşletmelerdeki Paylara İlişkin Açıklamalar
IFRS 13 Gerçeğe Uygun Değerin Belirlenmesi
IFRS 15 Müşteri Sözleşmelerinden Hasılat
IFRS 9 Finansal Araçlar
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